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Since 2019, Varitec Controls and Service Solutions (VCSS), has been collaborating with owners, mechanical contractors and engineers to provide an experience that is unmatched in professionalism and exceptional standards.

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We have evolved to become a Master System Integrator (MSI) that provides truly-open, engineered solutions to our customers for not only HVAC Controls, but all building systems.

Holistic Building
System Solutions

  • Bring in all of your building systems into a single pane of glass
  • Increase Productivity and Reduce Labor Costs
  • Utilize all of your building data to make smarter business decisions

Specialty Service

  • VRV is complex, let us help you
  • Specialty Service is now offered in Albuquerque, and El Paso
  • Contact Varitec Solutions in Phoenix for more information in this area

One Team. One Solution.

  • We provide Single Source Solutions for Mechanical Equipment and Controls with our Sister company, Varitec Solutions. One throat to choke and no finger pointing between the mechanical contractor and controls.

Get out of Vendor Jail

  • Don't get stuck in Vendor Jail with companies and brands that only allow you to work with them. We help you protect your Investment and give you the tools and training to work on your controls systems.

Self-Fulfilled Installations

  • We control the quality of our installations. Our team is held accountable and trained to match your expectations

Healthy Buildings = Healthy Bank Account

  • Let us help you improve the efficiency of your buildings without human intervention. Achieve green building goals based on your KPIs which may include:
    • Decarbonization
    • Reduction of Energy, Water, Gas Usage
    • Reduction in Peak Demand

What We Do

No need to go through the RFP process when you leverage a cooperative contract via our partnership.
We are proud to be a member of the Arizona Builders Alliance.

Who We Serve




Education K-12

Higher Education




